Calling all creative minds with a pen and paper! Whether you consider yourself an artist or you can barely draw a stick figure, you’re all invited to join this year’s Inktober x Bridge challenge.
Inktober is a challenge created by Jake Parker in 2009 as a way to improve inking skills and build positive drawing habits. For the month of October, we challenge you to draw 1 drawing per day for 31 days using the given prompts. We’ve taken the official prompts and added a Waterloo Architecture twist (in orange), including words related to the Arriscraft Lecture Series, WASA events, and online learning. See prompts in photo below.
The rules are simple: grab a pen, draw, post and tag! #BRIDGEinktober #inktober2020
Want to be featured on our Instagram? We’ll be sharing work all month long! Send in your drawing submissions to our Google form:

Submit 1 or 31, spend 3 hours on a drawing or 3 minutes, the choice is yours!
For more information on Inktober visit their website:
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