Detail of 367 Undergraduate Student Paths. The University of Waterloo – November 26 to December 7, 2012
ABSTRACT by Geoffrey Giles Christou As Galileo peered through a lens to see the twinkle of the Jovian moons, and Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek did the same to study the tremulous basis of all life, so the fabric of threads we weave across time and space – the vast net of relations that bind and separate us – is only visible through a lens. Footprints in the snow and the weathered stone steps of buildings hint at the shape of these threads, but the coming of spring and the hardness of stone limit our observations. The Global Positioning System (GPS) now provides us a lens to see the path that individuals, families, and communities take in space-time — their worldlines. When millions of GPS signatures are collected from hundreds of individuals, heritable patterns emerge in these worldlines that embody particular individual’s ideas and practices, as well as those of the society and the environment in which they operate. Besides providing a tool to test assumptions about how space is used, I argue in this thesis that while allowing us to glimpse a terra incognita, mapping worldlines can also provide a unique perspective on our spatial relationship to one another. Supervisor: Donald McKay, University of Waterloo Committee Members: Rick Haldenby, University of Waterloo Dr. Anne Bordeleau, University of Waterloo External Reader: Drew Sinclair, planningAlliance
The Defence Examination will take place: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 3:00 PM Main Lecture Hall

Detail of 367 Undergraduate Student Paths. The University of Waterloo – November 26 to December 7, 2012
I am a graduate student at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture, currently completing my MArch thesis on the design and collective memory of Indian residential schools in Canada.
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