Engi-Tecture Art – Created by engineers, architects, and like-minded people
JULY 18 – JULY 25
I like freedom; its self is expressed in the imagination. Art is my reminder of freedom.
This art show will bring people together to celebrate art from the point of view of engineers, architects, and like-minded people. Students, faculty members, and people from the industry are all invited to participate. You are encouraged to interpret the topic in any way you wish, and you may submit art pieces in any form and media.
When we make things, we express our view of the world. The creative outcome may be painting, sculpture, illustration, printing, photography, music, dance, theatre, poetry, installation, inventions… The purpose is to create and to meet people who have an experience to share.
Engineers and architects are creative people, but their art creations are rarely showcased or discussed. I would like to change that and give space and time for some imagination sharing.
This is a great opportunity to network and to exchange ideas and knowledge.
If you would like to display your art in the show, you can either ship it in, or bring it in personally.
Place: Bridge Storefront – 37 Main Street, Cambridge, ON
June 13, 2014: Registration Deadline (extended to June 19th)
July 10, 2014: Work submissions are due
July 18, 2014: Show opening event
July 25, 2014: Show closing
For more details and for registration contact: roksena.nikolova@gmail.com.
I am an undergraduate student at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture. I am interested in mostly everything, and especially what I know nothing of.
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