May 13, 2013 @ 4:15pm, Ward Room
In attendance: Connor O’Grady, Mark Tam, Caitlin Perry, Andrea Hunniford, Danielle Gignac, Emad Ghattas
The Welcome Term Event is set for Thursday May 23. The event will be a backyard BBQ. The theme will be “Bonnets and Bowties BBQ.” Connor will contact WASA regarding the usage of the BBQ on this date. Emad will make a poster/find someone to make a poster. SWAG will be providing side dishes, non-alcoholic beverages (juice/punch and water) and condiments, as well as dishes, napkins, etc.
It was suggested that this event would be a good time for a SWAG information speech/talk, given by Connor, as an update for current students and an introduction for qualifying students.
Budget: $150
Committee: Danielle, Mark, any one else who would like to volunteer!
Open Forum – initially held on April 19, 2013 at 6:00 in the Main Lecture Hall – was an open discussion about the state of the program, the school and student life in Cambridge in the previous term. Students discussed things they believed were important, things that work well at the school and some things that need to change. General consensus was that the event was a success.
Plans for the future format are to divide the event into two separate events: a question period early in term and a commentary period later in term to review concerns later in term. A survey or e-group post would be used to gather questions prior to the question period. This would be sent out in the first month of term, with the actual question-answer period happening in early June. Connor will make posters as he already has an idea, building on last term’s poster.
On a related note, Mark and Connor are currently working on a survey specifically for graduate students regarding courses and evaluation, running of the school and graduate program, etc.
Speakers: John Hofstetter (May 30), Dave S, F_RMlab: Grow Op
Components: Lecture, Interview, Exhibition space in library
New this term, additional to the UNCOVERED lectures and interviews, is the associated exhibitions in the library. It was brought up that this space could also be used to showcase course work, possibly in interim stages, as a means of sharing work within the school community.
It was discussed that we should not push for more lectures this term to avoid lecture overload, though this is dependent on whether there are any Arriscraft lectures this term, or if they are only in the Fall term. Andrea H suggested that it may be a good idea to get a few landscape oriented lectures, given the undergraduate studio topics this term.
Caitlin Perry & Vikkie Chen have both expressed interest in continuing their involvement of the Pecha Kucha events. The event for Graduate students will likely be more informal with a smaller scale, shorter total duration and lower attendance. SWAG’s experiences with the Mexican Restaurant are largely positive and SWAG intends to continue renting their space
Graduate Pecha Kucha will be coordinated with MX Reviews and Peer Reviews such that one event will fall in each month of term (MX Reviews in June, Pecha Kucha in July, and Peer Reviews in August) as a graduate presentation/lecture event series. Andrea H mentioned that if Pecha Kucha is later in July, there is a possibility of using the new BRIDGE gallery space. It was also discussed that an undergraduate studio day (Monday or Thursday) would be a preferable evening, as there would be a greater chance of professors attending. We also need to coordinate with undergraduate deadlines. In hopes of keeping the evening running quicker, a smaller group of presenters than previous Grad Pecha Kuchas is preferable.
We need to further investigate the official Pecha Kucha resources before moving forward. One of the benefits of this would be an added weight when trying to enforce the format of 20 slides, 20 seconds.
Committee: Caitlin, Vikkie, Danielle… We hope to get some qualifying students involved in organizing this event.
An ACADIA Pecha Kucha is being planned for Fall 2013.
We are going to try for an earlier date this year, perhaps in June.
Committee: Joint graduate and undergraduate. Emad is going to approach Peter and Boian about leading the organization. Connor is willing to help out.
Peer Reviews will take place in August and be associated with MX Reviews (June) and Graduate Pecha Kucha (July). They will hopefully be open for undergraduate students to watch, as a means of helping to generate interest in the graduate program.
RARE is organizing the opening event for North House on June 6. SWAG can encourage attendance, but does not need to take a leadership role in this event.
The RARE picnic/summer solstice event will take place June 21. This will be a very informal event, simply putting up posters and seeing who arrives. Danielle is going to take care of this, with potential help from other members of the Garden Club.
In the past, films have been shown out doors, projected on the flood wall under the Main Street bridge. The event is to be organized by WA Film Club. Potential dates discussed were the long weekends in July and August.
Postponed as all present members either hold positions currently or are in final stages of thesis.
Positions to be filled: Secretary, TA Representative, Marketing/Communications, potentially Workshop Representative. These will be advertised on the e-group and at the Welcome Term Event. Hopefully these can be filled by next meeting.
BRIDGE is trying to expand the number of authors for the website to keep a constant flow of new material. One new column will be to revamp the Tips from an Elder series. Andrea is getting TAs to update the calendar with all deadlines, as a tool for students and event organization. Additionally, the BRIDGE website will be used to exhibit the resources of the school, keeping things in people’s minds, letting everyone know what is available (ie gym inventory, film collection, library resources etc.) An effort needs to be made to post every defence on BRIDGE. Andrea is going to make a BRIDGE post, reminding those preparing for their defence that they should make a BRIDGE post. A decision was reached to begin creating posts when the author is discussing their own work. These posts would be accompanied with either an editor’s introductory paragraph or some sort of editor’s notes.
The gallery is currently on temporary standstill. The owner will not do work on space until he has a signed lease. It is still unclear who will be signing the lease. The two options are the University of Waterloo (BRIDGE would be a University run gallery, eliminating some public/community funding opportunities and adding certain requirements and regulations) and Cambridge Consortium (We would be required to pay for insurance on the space).
More involvement is needed from the student body. Opportunities include involvement in the editorial committee for the website and being involved in the gallery setup. There is currently a fair amount of interest from undergraduates but a need for graduate leadership.
Moving forward all SWAG meetings will be posted on both the Masters e-group and the general e-group, to encourage attendance by others in the school (qualifying and 4B students especially).
The importance of posting e-group messages early was discussed, as many get the messages as a daily digest which arrives the next morning.
Student initiative forms are soon going to be digitized and distributed. We have a hard copy of WASA’s form which will be adapted.
SWAG plans to be involved in the completion of WEEF applications by WASA, since all students at the school benefit from WEEF’s funding.
There will be a 25th anniversary BBQ party for Rick Haldenby on August 10.
SWAG Absences: Andrea H will be away from May 28-July 8. Caitlin will be away June 11-July 10. Connor is not available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
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