Listen up UWSA! As part of the Arriscraft Lecture Series, Susan Zielinski will be giving a lecture tomorrow, Thursday February 6th at 6:45pm, in the main lecture theatre. The lecture is titled “The Whole Enchilada: A Systems Approach to Transforming Transportation.”
Susan Zielinski
Managing Director, SMART, Michigan Transportation Research Institute:
Susan Zielinski is Managing Director of SMART, which moved its administrative operations to UMTRI in July 2009. Just before joining SMART/CARSS, Zielinski spent a year as a Harvard Loeb Fellow focusing on New Mobility innovation and leadership. Prior to 2004, she cofounded and directed Moving the Economy (MTE), a Canada-wide “link tank” that works to catalyze and support sustainable urban transportation innovation as well as New Mobility industry development, an integrated industry approach developed at MTE.
As a transportation planner for the City of Toronto, she worked for over 15 years developing and leading transportation and liveability policies and initiatives. She has advised on a range of local, national, and international initiatives, including the National Advisory Committee on Energy Efficiency, Transport Canada’s Sustainable Development Advisory Committee, the Gridlock Panel of the Ontario Smart Growth Initiative, the OECD’s Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Project, the King of Sweden’s jury of the Stockholm Partnerships for Sustainable Cities, and the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT). Zielinski was also a long-time board member of Canada’s Center for Sustainable Transportation and founding board member of the Green Tourism Association.
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Nicole Ratajczak, currently the Editorial and Graphics Director for BRIDGE, has been a contributor since January 2013. She is in her second year of undergraduate studies at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture.