Night\Shift is a Kitchener festival celebrating art and culture through a nocturnal adventure in the city. The event begins at 7pm on Saturday November 1st, the night of the annual autumn time change, and will run into the wee hours. The event is free to the public and occurs along Duke Street and Queen Street in Kitchener. Night\Shift is a great opportunity to engage with the local art community.
Graduate students Karine Quigley and Kimberley Adamek designed Exposing Elements, a site-responsive installation for Night\Shift that attempts to draw awareness to the existing materials and environmental forces, exposing them in a playful and interactive fashion. Two walls of 100 moveable glass panels will create different effects as users walk through the alleyway. The glass was heat-treated with textures from the surrounding site which enables light passing through to create incredible caustic light patterns. A cable frame which suspends the tiles, enables them to move which allows the reflections to distort and become animated around the site. The minimal frame construction was designed so that these invisible effects and moments may be identified, experienced and understood. The objective of Exposing Elements is to promote an awareness of the surrounding environments.