Re:POST is an annual symposium at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture that explores opportunities regarding post-thesis development beyond the date of defence. This iteration of Re:POST explores the translation of thesis to practice and is scheduled for the afternoon of Tuesday, March 17, 2015 beginning at 1:00pm. The theme asks, how does academic design and research disseminate into ongoing professional exploration? The format of Re:POST is structured as three presentation and discussion panels followed by a Thesis to Practice Workshop where current graduate students can engage in discussion with the practitioners.
All undergraduate, graduate students, faculty and the public are welcome to attend. The event is free and open to the public.
Graduate students have the opportunity to discuss your thesis work in relation to the symposium theme. Three themed workshops will be held at 3:00pm the day of the symposium. Workshop information and registration can be found HERE. Opportunities to present work are limited to seven student participants per workshop, however all students are able to attend.
The workshop is intended to further expand on the panel discussions through small group conversations. The objective is to situate your academic research and design explorations within the aspirations of the symposium. How can your academic design and research disseminate into real world application and ongoing professional exploration? Students wishing to present their thesis to the participating practitioners and fellow students should sign up in one of the three workshops led by the presentation teams. Presenting students should compose two 11×17 format posters to pin-up in the loft by 4:30 pm the day of the event.
Re:POST Symposium Schedule
1:00pm – Symposium Introduction
Presenter: Dan Adams – Landing Studio
Respondent: Fionn Byrne – Office of Pedonic Operations
Collective Discussion led by Respondent and Presenter
2:00pm – PANEL 2
Presenter: Matthew Kennedy + Mark Erickson – Studio North
Respondent: Elizabeth Paden – Prix de Rome 2010
Collective Discussion led by Respondent and Presenter
3:00pm – Coffee Break
3:30pm – PANEL 3
Presenter: Jonathan Enns – Office Ens and Solid Operations
Respondent: Alexander Josephson – Partisans
and Andrea Ling – GUILD
Collective Discussion led by Respondent and Presenter
Students sign-up in advance to take part in one of three workshops led by the three discussion groups from the afternoon. Students are given the opportunity to present a summary of their work to initiate discussion about how the thesis can lead to forms of practice.
6:00pm – Reception
Everyone is invited to enjoy refreshments in the Waterloo Architecture School Loft.

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