Welcome to the BRIDGE Waterloo Architecture podcast, also known as BRIDGECAST; this podcast is hosted by Brandon Mooi, Shima Mohammed, Tin Huang and Chris Hardy.
This week the BRIDGECast hosts get into discussions about how the new supreme court ruling in Canada on Doctor Assisted Suicide is impacting Canadian politics, the Refugee crisis in Syria and how countries are responding, the Tesla Model X and what kind of impact that will have on our post-gasoline future, and lastly how more and more content is being streamed and not watched on cable.
We highly encourage everyone to come out and participate in our conversations. Even if you just want a change of scenery while you work or eat, you’re more than welcome to come and listen to us talk. We shoot every Tuesday from 9:30-10:30PM in the Bridge space and would thoroughly enjoy having everyone come out and join in on the conversation.
The conversation reflects the ideas and perspectives of the individuals and are not necessarily the position taken by BRIDGE Waterloo Architecture as a collective.
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