Although we thought we would end it at Part 3, we were so charmed by the handmade jewelry that Sarah Abdulkarim makes that we needed a piece of it for ourselves! So, get ready to see some gorgeous clay creations!

Sometimes old habits die hard, especially when they are from childhood! Little did Sarah know that an unexpected trendy activity would jumpstart her jewelry-making business years later. From Dubai to Canada, her passion for jewelry-making follows her wherever she goes.
“Since I was a kid, I was really interested in making jewelry and it all started when I was in grade 8. I used to make bracelets, rings, keychains, and other jewelry pieces from these rubber bands that were a trend at some point. They weren’t that good, to be honest, but I was really interested in what I was doing. Part of it was definitely because I was just 13 years old and had no clue what I was doing. 8 years later and I am still interested in creating jewelry but in a totally different way. When I used to live in Dubai, we had very limited resources that could have helped me fulfill this hobby, and therefore I never had a chance to create jewelry as much. As soon as I moved [to Canada], I immediately knew I wanted to develop this hobby and create jewelry that I can share with the world. One year later, and here I am selling handmade polymer clay jewelry that I create with love and passion.”

Of course, when people start traveling, you are bound to feel homesick. Likewise with jewelry-making, sometimes a break is needed too. What is more is that, without a proper dedicated workspace, jewelry-making just does not feel the same anymore; and you can risk jeopardizing your enthusiasm towards your hobby.
“Unfortunately, I do feel demotivated to create clay jewelry at some point and part of it is because I do not have a designated workspace for clay work. All my materials are in one big fat box and every time I have to create a piece, I have to take all this stuff out of the box, work on the piece and then put it back in the box. This is mostly because I cannot leave the materials on my desk because I am constantly using it for online school. Furthermore, the process that goes through each piece is such a long process such as the baking and the sanding which sometimes demotivates me.”
Fortunately, with a little research, Sarah can set herself up with a brand-new clay adventure to get herself up and running again!
“To overcome this, I constantly look at new Clay techniques that I can experiment with which excites me. Furthermore, I look at all the cute reviews that people have left on Esty and it just makes my day and makes me eager to create pieces that people will love.”

While running a business and attending school at the same time, you really need all the time you can get. Let your ears do the learning and your hands do the jewelry making.
To be honest, I did not think I could handle managing a jewelry business during school. I came into my first year thinking I would only handle my business during winter and summer breaks. But…. surprisingly, it was better than I thought and I think part of it has to do with online school. Online school gave me the opportunity to multitask; sometimes, I open my laptop and watch my lecture while sanding my jewelry pieces.

Let some beachy destinations inspire you! The smell of saltwater and sun on your skin might be what you need. While most hobbies take place in our homes, a change of scenery could be a game-changer for artistic inspiration. This just so happens to be where Sarah’s ideal workspace to be.
“I currently create all my jewelry pieces at home, and I hope that someday I can have my own mini-studio in the basement that is only designated for my clay work. I think if I were to do my jewelry business anywhere else other than Canada, I would choose to do it in the Maldives, just because I am really into blue colors, and to me Maldives is all about these colors which can inspire me to create cute pieces. Although it would be very hard to get the supplies, I am pretty sure it’s worth it.”

Never underestimate the power of Etsy! If you are looking for a platform to start selling your lovely creations, Etsy is a great place to start, however, from hobby to business, be wary of the market and demand for your product. Competition may be lurking, but the beauty in a unique piece of work is something that no one can replicate!
“Etsy is the main platform I use for selling my jewelry pieces! It is such an easy platform to work with and is great for all handmade makers, but at the same time, it is very competitive, especially within the clay jewelry field. A lot of people sell the same type of jewelry but in the end, there is always something special in one’s own piece. Etsy shop name: Akjewelz”

We are living in a time where we have the entire world in our pocket. So, look no further to the answer to advertising and brand building because it is right in your pocket! As much effort as it takes to build a following, it is rewarding as Sarah lets us in on the experience with marketing her lovely jewelry creations.
“INSTA all the way! While I love Instagram so much, one of the hardest challenges I have faced was gaining “real” followers. From my past experience, I have noticed that the Instagram algorithm advertises my page according to how interactive I am with other pages, and to be honest, I do not have the time nor will to check my Instagram and interact on daily basis. My followers really range in ages which makes me so happy. While I tend to target people within the same age group as me, I have also seen mature women who have worn some of my work. It makes me very happy that some of my jewelry fits a wide range of age groups.“

At the end of the journey, do not feel afraid to move on to better things if your hobby is not as fun as it used to be. Take that leap of faith and see where your creativity takes you!
“In my nature, I am a person that gets bored easily, and therefore I have no clue where this hobby is taking me. At the moment, I love it and I will continue working on it until I get bored of it one day and try out a different thing!”

And here is an insider tip while dealing with feisty feline friends; take the time to make sure you separate work and playtime! Giving yourself some free time to work towards your hobby is what will make your new company STRONG!
“If someone were to join the “Clay community,” I would tell them to not own a Cat and especially a Persian cat like mine!! just kidding! But it is such a struggle, her hair is all over my clothes and I am constantly afraid of that hair getting stuck in the clay and contaminating it; therefore, I am constantly changing my clothes and wearing aprons!! To anyone interested, just make sure ur pet’s hair is not long so it does not contaminate the clay.”

If you have a passion, follow it because who knows where it will take you! Life is too short to not fully realize your dreams, so start now with a hobby and we might just write about your story the next time.
Follow @Ak.Jewel_ on Instagram or Akjewelz On Esty!
LL x PP, signing off.
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