The NYC trip is seen as something of a rite of passage at Waterloo Architecture. The 1A class shares a collection of student-produced photographs, sketches, and five-sentence passages that offers a vivid and multidimensional look at the New York City experience:
A Spatial Construction exhibition features the first 1A studio projects which investigated 3-dimensional space through the translation of 20th century abstract paintings into architectural space in the form of architectonic paper models. Join us in celebrating the work of the first year class!
On September 18th, the 1A class made the trip from Cambridge to the big sprawl of New York City for a five-day field trip. Led by Professor Rick Andrighetti and adjuncts Suzy Harris-Brandts, Timea Jakab, Fiona Lim Tung and Haji Nakamura, the class covered large portions of the city with walking tours, including Central Park and Midtown. The students spent an afternoon with Le Corbusier at the Museum of Modern Art, tasted New York street...