I recently had the opportunity to share a few questions with Dr. Rachel Armstrong, specialist on living architecture and protocell technology, Senior TED Fellow and Co-Director of AVATAR (Advance Virtual and Technological Architectural Research) in Architecture & Synthetic Biology at The School of Architecture & Construction, University of Greenwich, London. Here, I ask Rachel about her design philosophy involving protocells, sharing what its future place might be in the architectural profession. Read the full interview...
During the last day of ACADIA, an informal workshop using basic chemistries was held in F_RMlab with Rachel Armstrong. The workshop gives a broad look into the ideas behind protocell technology and self-assembling chemistries, helping to introduce an understanding of future methods for creating intelligent material from the bottom up. In this workshop, Rachel shows us how to take the notion of the collective protocell and turn it into a material using common bubble wrap as...
By now you probably know that the ADAPTIVE ARCHITECTURE 2013 ACADIA conference has begun at Waterloo Architecture. The formal conference is being held from October 24-26, 2013, while a series of workshops and installations have already begun and will continue to the Sunday following the conference. Please see the schedules and maps below for a comprehensive listing of the events and activities. EXHIBITION LOCATIONS: COMPREHENSIVE CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: WEEK AT A GLANCE: CONFERENCE LOCATIONS:
The ADAPTIVE ARCHITECTURE 2013 ACADIA conference will be held in the Waterloo School of Architecture in Cambridge on October 24-26, 2013. ACADIA is an international network of digital design researchers and professionals. These updates from students are to let you know about visiting groups, speakers, events and displays. Elena Manferdini is interested in how architects can operate outside the traditional scale of design. An interest in multi-disciplinary based design has lead her firm, Atelier Manferdini, to be involved...
Greg Lynn will be speaking as part of the ACADIA conference at 3:45pm on Thursday October 24th. He is the recipient of the 2013 ACADIA Award of Teaching Excellence. Left: Index Award Pavilions: Design to Improve Life, 2011 Right: Uniserve corporate headquarters, 2011 Greg Lynn has been a leader in the field of design with digital technology and a pioneer in the use of CNC machinery for the fabrication of complex functional and ergonomic form....
Tex-Fab Digital Fabrication Alliance The 4 finalists from the Tex Fab SKIN competition will be exhibiting their prototypes at the ACADIA Adaptive Architecture Conference, where the jury will review and announce the winners. Tex Fab was formed by Brad Bell, Kevin Patrick McClellan, and Andrew Vrana in 2009 as an alliance in Texas that aims to foster the collaborative exchange between the academic, technical, and professional communities focusing on the exploration of parametric design and...
CITA – The Rise from David Stasiuk on Vimeo. Seeking Volunteers for Installation this Week! As a part of the ACADIA conference “The Rise” from The Royal Danish Academy’s Center for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) is a workshop that will explore the conceptualization, technologies and making of an architecture that is continuously sensing and dynamically adapting to its environment as it grows into form. The workshop is based in a research project into the digital...
The annual ACADIA (Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture) conference is coming to Cambridge and will be held at our school this year. In anticipation of this international event, the ACADIA 2013 Management Team, F_RMlab and Graduate Research Elective: ARCH 684 will feature a series of posts on Bridge to introduce the keynotes and presenters at the conference. We’d like to introduce an overview of the conference to start and we hope you are just...
Meeting July.2013 2013.07.04 4:00PM Ward Room Meeting Minutes In Attendance – May Wu, Connor O’Grady, Mark Tam, Miriam Ho, Vikkie Chen, Caitlin Perry (skype), Boian (drop-in to report on Nostalgia Tour) 1. Pecha Kucha Progress This term’s graduate Pecha Kucha will happen in early August, the exact date will be announced within the next two weeks. We are still working on becoming an official Pecha Kucha City so before that happens this event will be...
For those of you who do not already know this… F_RMlab [Digital Research and Media] is a grad student initiative to promote digital technology and computational discourse in architecture at our school. F_RMlab’s current initiatives and extended goals exist in the areas of software and scripting; physical computing and interactive systems; digital fabrication; environmental simulation; and the ACADIA Adaptive Architectures conference of 2013. We would like to open the doors for communication between our initiatives, the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, as well...