Sketch Night: The Book of Curiosities
Last term BRIDGE teamed up with The Book of Curiosities to hold a sketching competition in partnership with Phidon. (more…)
Last term BRIDGE teamed up with The Book of Curiosities to hold a sketching competition in partnership with Phidon. (more…)
Join this year’s 4B class as they present a retrospective of their term in Rome. WHERE: BRIDGE Center for Architecture + Design WHEN: Wednesday August 2, 2017, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm.
We live in Cambridge, but much of the time I’m not sure how well we see it. What kinds of poverty persist here? And how do we fit into that picture?
Vacant Storefront at 35/37 Main Street – September 14th 2014 Opportunity in Absence: Activating Vacant Space in The Temporary City Abstract by Zak Fish The vacant buildings in Cambridge await new uses as traditional commercial activity has shifted to the sprawl that defines the landscape between the city’s historic cores. Downtown businesses have been replaced by big-box suburban developments, leaving the question, what will fill the city’s urban voids? In declining manufacturing-based economies, like Cambridge,...
Looking for creative inspiration? Come out to the Pecha Kucha this Saturday, July 26th, @ 7pm in the Bridge Pop-Up space at 60 Main Street. Pecha Kucha: Creative Projects will be the restart of the Waterloo Region Chapter that will now be hosted by the University of Waterloo Graduate Student Association (GSA). The Society of Waterloo Architecture Graduates (SWAG) is organizing this week’s event. Everyone is welcome to attend. Doors will open at 7pm and there will...
BRIDGE on the Front Page of the Cambridge Times! Building a BRIDGE – architecture students open storefront Author & Photographer: Ray Martin, Cambridge Times Architecture students Zak Fish and Roksana Nikolova hold up a poster advertising the opening exhibition of student and faculty art hosted at BRIDGE’s pop-up Storefront location at 60 Main St. HOT OFF THE PRESS! Check out Ray Martin’s article on BRIDGE in the front page of the Cambridge Times today. The...
EXHIBITING ARCHITECTURE OPPORTUNITIES for INVENTION is a symposium discussing creative approaches to curating exhibitions and installations. Two related panels, [INSIDE] OUTSIDE, will be followed by an evening keynote in the Main Lecture Hall at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture. 1:30 – 3:30 pm [INSIDE] examines the disciplinary issues of designing exhibitions and generating vibrant discourse on current issues. How do we instigate critical conversations among different disciplines? Speakers: Ila Berman, Director, Waterloo Architecture...
This post by Geoff Christou originally appeared here. Geoff is a University of Waterloo School of Architecture graduate who recently defended his master’s thesis and currently holds a position at Toronto firm Coolearth Architecture. UWSA alumnus Craig England is also an architect at the firm, which is run by three experienced principals. Coolearth has hired UWSA students on co-op terms in the past (including yours truly) and is currently running a call for proposals for their storefront space in Toronto’s Junction neighbourhood. Most...
On February 25th a design pin-up was held to share ideas about redesigning the new BRIDGE Storefront gallery on Main Street. One of the common themes included concepts of flexible and transformable space. By using adaptable equipment and well-concealed storage space, students could easily transform BRIDGE from gallery to workspace. Adaptable equipment also could allow for a variety of exhibition types and installations, which could be easily modified to suit the needs of students or...
BRIDGE is looking for ideas of how to redesign the new gallery space on Main St. What do you imagine a student run gallery should look like? How would you like it to function? There will be a pin-up and discussion of all student design ideas at 7:00pm on Monday February 25th. We want this space to represent the entire school, so come share your ideas. WHAT: Design Pin-Up WHEN: February 25th, 7:00pm WHERE: UWSA...
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