Natalie Hui’s ongoing thesis work entitled Signage as Commonplace dissects urban clutter to identify specific artifacts of the city that bring a certain vibrancy and sense of place to the urban fabric. She specifically analyzes high density signage as the physical manifestation of consumerism in the everyday urban fabric.
Kyle Brill’s ongoing thesis work States of Dependency registers the spatial manifestations of power in areas of geopolitical tension specifically looking at the Israeli-Palestinian borders of conflict.
THESIS WORK features Kate Jackson’s development of her thesis HOUSE (CRAFT) which proposes a “relocatable” housing typology for the millennial generation which appropriates underutilized parking lots to build vibrant communities.
Join the graduate students on Thursday December 6th for Mx Reviews from 1-5pm and the TR+D Open Studio from 5-7pm at the BRIDGE Pop-Up to celebrated the work produced this fall through the Masters of Architecture Program.