This month, the 2B class was taken out into Northern Ontario for a field trip supporting their studio’s current focus on interfaces between landscape and architecture, particularly those on the Canadian Shield. Students were sorted into three distinct cottages along the French River and left to fend for themselves in the great Canadian wilderness (sort of). There was a great deal of canoeing, hiking, and exchanges of interesting campfire stories late at night. The following is a photo series I’ve put together to highlight some of the ways in which we came together as a class and immersed ourselves in the great outdoors and all of its lichen-covered glory.

We began our trip with a visit to the French River Visitor’s Centre by Baird Sampson Neuert Architects.

Jeff soaks up all the natural wonders of the French River Country.

The sunset is a beautiful sight over the water at Canadiana-style Totem Point Lodge, and the docks are a great vantage point!

Justin, Eric, and Tristan hang out riverside after an early morning breakfast.

The small overgrown islands scattered around the river were great places to hang out, get inspiration for studio, and get temporarily stranded.

Eric enjoys sterning a good canoe.

The Games Room is a cute and kitsch chill-out spot for Jan and May.

We also paid a visit to Richard Serra’s Shift in King City.

Josh and Conrad in a grassy dreamscape.
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