June 10, 2013 @ 4:00pm, Ward Room In attendance: Connor O’Grady, Mark Tam, Caitlin Perry, Danielle Gignac, Miriam Ho MEETING AGENDA/MINUTES 1. PECHA KUCHA PROGRESS (CP & DG) With the rescheduling of MX reviews to late July, Pecha Kucha will now take place in August (exact date TBD). In the meantime, Caitlin will contact the Pecha Kucha organization to investigate the process involved in becoming an official Pecha Kucha city. 2. SUMMER...
On June 18th and 19th, The Stop Community Food Centre will be hosting their second annual Stop Night Market in the Honest Ed’s alleyway in Toronto, inviting over 50 Toronto chefs as well as showcasing the food cart designs of Waterloo Architecture students and alumni. A call for proposals back in February got the juices flowing, and local designers submitted one-panel proposals for this year’s food carts. 36 designs were chosen, 16 of which belonged to...
ABSTRACT by Emad Ghattas Québec’s historical attachment with Roman Catholicism is obvious through the great amount of churches throughout the province. Changing attitudes in Québec (in parallel with other regions around the world) are leading to a chronic desertion of spaces of worship. Conceived as the heart of a community, churches successfully imposed their presence onto the built and social fabrics of the neighbourhoods they serve. In today’s context, this relationship is shifting, and communities...
Hello Grads! SWAG will be holding its Monthly Meeting for June 2013 on Monday, June 10th in the Ward Room at 4:00pm. A number of items will be discussed including the many events that are being planned for the Summer. You can view the agenda here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17MbmDfUV5gowZrpPlVV95CRKZeto_jNzahxcYx2A6so/edit?usp=sharing You could also propose additional agenda items or send us any questions to the following address: info.swag@waterlooarchitecture.com Mark
ABSTRACT by Elyse Snyder I live in a society where a state of multi-tasking and over-stimulation is common. I am inundated with excessive information and seemingly addicted to distraction. My love affair with hi speed digital devices devours all sense of time and space. But in the process of making all information available to everyone, all the time, we are losing our connection with the value of direct experience. What I can see, feel, taste,...
For the first exhibit of the summer Design at Riverside is collaborating with the Association of Registered Graphic Designers to showcase two distinct groups of work: projects by local designers in Design at Work: The Best of Western Ontario, and winning entries of the first-ever international Social Good Design Awards (or So Good). As its name suggests, So Good aims to encourage designers to tackle the challenging prospect of designing for a cause, whether for...
Mole Magazine’s first Issue (Cute Little Things) is almost ready to drop, and we are giving BRIDGE a sneak peek from the featured articles! Design With Company (DWC) is a Stewart Hicks and Allison Newmeyer architectural adventure that began in 2010. Both protagonists live in Chicago and teach architecture at the University of Illinois in Chicago (UIC). Character Building is a series of material and figural investigations for the Independent Media Center (IMC) in...
ABSTRACT by Lindsey Nette We reached the edge of that forgotten dock and jumped, arms raised, into knee-deep grass. We wore rubber boots, and carried a camera strung to a kite. The dock was an unfinished fragment of a bridge. After crossing a dried up coulee it ended abruptly, two feet above the grass and some unknown depth above solid ground. I wondered how many tourists, after detouring hours off the highway to visit the...
Mole Magazine’s first issue (Cute Little Things) is almost ready to drop, and we are providing BRIDGE with a few teasers from articles that will be featured! Lukas Franciszkiewicz is an industrial designer studying in England. He creates pristine objects that bypass practical uses, but rather prompt an abstract scenario or philosophical question. In Cute Little Things, we explore his project ‘Beta’.
ABSTRACT by Alexander Chan The Leslie Street Spit is a five kilometer rubble breakwater built along the eastern waterfront of Toronto during the mid-twentieth-century as an infrastructural add-on to the existing Port Lands Industrial District. Officially designated as the Outer Harbour Eastern Headland, the artificial peninsula was a lakefilling project made to realize the city’s ambitious desire for economic prosperity and world-class prestige by expanding its existing harbour facilities. Decades after the decline of Toronto’s...
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