Nuit Blanche 2018: A Critique
Nuit Blanche 2018 came and went without much splendor. (more…)
Nuit Blanche 2018 came and went without much splendor. (more…)
Check out Passage at Nuit Blanche 2018 this weekend! (more…)
Missed Starscape at Nuit Blanche last fall? (more…)
Porta-Party is a re-invention of the public washroom developed for Nuit Blanche 2017 by students from UWSA. Check out photos and learn more about the installation below. (more…)
With Nuit Blanche 2017 coming up this weekend, F_RMlab is tirelessly preparing its installation STARscape. (more…)
The F_RMlab initiated project PLANETERRAEUM which was exhibited at Nuit Blanche 2014 is soon to be re-installed in the Ontario Science Centre! The team has also compiled a detailed book outlining the conception and process of the entire project.
Once again, students at Waterloo Architecture have contributed intriguing and innovative projects to this years ScotiaBank Nuit Blanche. At its core, Nuit Blanche is a 12-hour event with a mandate to make contemporary art accessible to large audiences, while inspiring dialogue and engaging the public to examine its significance and impact on public space.
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