Meeting July.2013
2013.07.04 4:00PM Ward Room
Meeting Minutes
In Attendance – May Wu, Connor O’Grady, Mark Tam, Miriam Ho, Vikkie Chen, Caitlin Perry (skype), Boian (drop-in to report on Nostalgia Tour)
1. Pecha Kucha Progress
This term’s graduate Pecha Kucha will happen in early August, the exact date will be announced within the next two weeks. We are still working on becoming an official Pecha Kucha City so before that happens this event will be registered as “Powered by Pecha Kucha” for this term. Caitlin will be in contact with Pecha Kucha to arrange the details. With the official designation with Pecha Kucha, presentation formats will need to be more strict.
- ”Powered by Pecha Kucha” – will promote event on Pecha Kucha website, provide a graphic badge, $200 donation (waived for academic event)
- “Official Pecha Kucha City” – 4 events per year, looking to find community partner to host 4th event, also to add variety to presentation topics
2. Open Forum SPRING 2013
Open Forum will be held on Thurs. July 11, 2013 in the Loft from 8-9 pm with free pizza. We’ll be discussing the state of the program, the school and student life in Cambridge.
- Announcement for event will be up on e-group and Bridge shortly
- Connor will prepare posters for event
- Format – student group announcements, open conversation
3. BRIDGE Updates
- Bridge Gallery
- David Gibson (owner) will find Tom Watson (Company) to sign lease for Gallery space
- Renovation done by owner, what date for completion means is questionable
- Aspect of orientation (FOC) that will happen there if it is opened for Frosh Week
- Kick start a campaign for funding, need to apply for commercial account, sponsor ship package is being setup
- Bridge Calendar – still require TA to fill in deadline schedule for 2nd Years
- Fix bug – permissions issue
- Bridge Website
- Need authors and writers and editors Bridge Posts
- There will be another a meeting for the various leads in the near future
4. Peer Reviews/Beer Reviews
- Casual pin up at someone’s house for Grad work – mid to late august
- Focus on discussion on more specific parts to the thesis research – 20 mins present 20 min review – limit amount people that can participate at the event
- Plan to purchase cork boards and other mobile pin up tools as investment into having more mobile display spaces
5. Constitutional Reform Progress
- Will send out revised constitution document for review by grad student body this week
- Electronic vote to student body to pass the revised constitution – pass revised constitution to allow for referendum – confirm modification by mid-late July
- Referendum ready in late August, establish $10 student initiative fee
6. Film Club Updates & Under-the-Bridge Screening
- Set it in mid July tentatively 18 or 19, need to decide on a time
- 60m of extension cord to closest hall plug, could shorten that distance by 1/3 if we ask café or other businesses close to the river
- Movie screening: Moonrise kingdom, Provide snacks? – Popcorn?
7. Sharepoint System Updates
- Provide a system for sharing grad content that require a log in and so is not available to other users
8. Eric Haldenby’s 25th Anniversary Party
- Moved to November 30
- There might be a meeting about that this summer
- Project’s on hold, there’s a group of students that will be reformed and will notify SWAG of progress once the representatives are chosen
9. Nostalgia Tour Progress
- 2 buses confirmed 46 passengers/bus – need 64 ppl to break even for 2nd bus
- Sell tickets by July 11 – for t-shirt order and confirming the 2nd bus
- Tickets $25 – bus, food, drink, t-shirt, sharpie
- All venues confirmed, FB account for more information
10. Summer Solstice Event Recap
- $100 from GSA for event
11. Uncovered Lecture Series/ Exhibition Space
- Deborah express interest in Exhibition Space through e-mail, please contact Miriam Ho for more information.
- FR_M Lab will do 1 Lecture next week
- Smart Geometry Lecture will be set for next term, as prelude to ACADIA conference that is happening in October
- ACM is printing poster for lecture series, it is greatly appreciated by the group and we hope to keep up this arrangement
- For the summer term, the lecture series were quite hands-on, they have had very good reviews and thus will look into having more lectures that are like these in the future
12. Dark Room Relocation & Redesign
- ACM need to expand, plans to move into the darkroom
- Darkroom is under used currently
- Can look into an option to have a smaller darkroom so the ACM can still expand but not have to remove the darkroom completely
- Need to be brought to people’s attention, so we can see what the student body feels
Vikkie is a graduate student at the Waterloo School of Architecture researching the practice of curation and architectural exhibitions as a method of development for the field of architecture.
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