Meeting September.2013
2013.09.12 6:00PM Ward Room
Meeting Minutes
In attendance: Connor O’Grady, Mark Tam, Caitlin Perry, Vikkie Chen, Mark Zupan, Miriam Ho, Zak Fish, Stephen Wenzel, Srinidhi Sridhar, Alireza Takook
1. Third Thursday Salon
- casual setting for graduate to talk about their thesis issues and get feedback
- the first one that was held in August was at Jessica’s house
- Title change ideas: Third Thursday Thoughts?
- Mark Zupan will host first meeting this term at his house for September
- Time to be confirmed
2. Grad Workshop: writing, time management, organization
- Concerns about the technical issues of finishing the thesis books
- Concerns with crediting and sourcing items
- Looking for a 1 day session that would give an intro to that stuff
- Suggestion for it to be included in the grad orientation items (get Emily Involved)
- Maybe see Terri Boake about if she’d be interested in sharing her experience in book publishing
3. Grad Research Centre
- F_RM lab office to become a Grad resource (research) centre
- Working through logistics of it… secured storage, cold storage, access permissions etc.
- GSEF for funding the necessary items – deadline in October 11?
- Setup another meeting to talk about GSEF specific items
4. Pecha Kucha ACADIA
- Hybrid of people from different universities and research fields that are attending ACADIA to do presentations
- Organization will be available for credit for people working on the ACADIA elective
- Will mainly be organized by elective with support from SWAG
- Scale of event will also need to be worked out
- Need to decide budget allocated from SWAG
5. Bridge and Club and Societies updates
- Recently a FB page started for Bridge
- Featuring local community businesses
- Want to use FB page to send out stuff more informally
- Film club – under the bridge screening this term
- movies to play: life of pi and crouching tiger hidden dragon
- Tiger theme: get sponsorship from Giant Tiger and Curry in a Hurry
- F_RM lab: Drop-in hours this term is Mondays at 7pm
- Garden club – hose and watering can
- Please get approved first before asking for reimbursement moving forward
- Establish a Fitness club to hopefully increase budget to fix and replace equipment
- For future reference, there needs to have a formal request and actual approvals before purchases are made
- Vote to allow for the garden club expense to be approved for this incidence, vote pass with all approved
6. TA Representation and Awards
- Need a TA rep and non TA to setup a process for awarding TAs
- 1 for this fall term and 2 awards per term moving forward
- non- TA rep to contact Emily (Mark Z.)
- also find undergrad partner to sort out this item
7. SWAG Facebook Page
- New group set up: working out some setting issues
- Hope to use it a platform to informally post about events
8. Grad Soiree
- Grad Christmas Party (shh… secret… only for grad)
- Dinner, drinks
- Zak and Stephen have taken up responsible for getting it started
- Masters group post, gather people to help organize it
9. Tea Time
- Suggesting Thursday at 4p for Fall term 2013
- Vikkie will take care of starting the first one for next week
- Will make posting and send out emails to start it off
10. Lecture Series Committee (Uncovered & RePoST)
- Arriscraft lectures series (Don takes care of it) (he’s got undergrad team taking care of it)
- Uncovered lecture series – adjunct, students doing projects outside of school
- Happens at Lunch times, free lecture series
- Smaller spaces and more intimate, becoming more well attended (10-20ppl attendance)
- More hands on items seems to be the way to go, more popular and distinguished from other lecture series
- Re:Post
- One day event – single day of lecture (Spring 2012)
- Symposium on dissemination (grant writing workshops, publishing, exhibiting)
- Format is flexible, open to suggestion for coming year
- Got OAA funding for it last year, may be able to do so again this year
- Post out on media streams to collect more ppl to get involved
- Exterviews – committee to edit and finish – will become good material for Bridge website
- Wish to have Grad manage this event to ensure continuity
11. CTE workshops
- TA courses that would work towards a certification
- Courses available on Main campus, availability low on architecture campus
- Requirements for university teaching certification: 6 workshop, 3 -15min teaching session
- Came down for a day last year, 2 workshop in the morning, afternoon of teaching session
- They would prefer we carpool up because we have small numbers
- Setup another meeting to specifically talk about this issue
12. Save the Darkroom
- Still under discussions
- Contact ACM for updates
13. Constitution Updates and Fees Adjustment
- Rose will get back to us soon about the Constitution (refer to July minutes for further details and Bridge/ Master e-group for link to draft Consititution)
- Fee adjustment of $10 for grad clubs for it to specifically go to architecture grad item
- The original $15 Grad house fee on main campus has been cancelled
- We are still paying for GSA which is where health insurance is out of, this is separate from the item above
14. SWAG Election and Formation for Fall 2013
- See Marks spreadsheet
- Exec positions to remain as present
- Social convener – Zak
- Community relation – Mark Z. and Danielle
- GSA rep – one Miriam and Mark Z.
- Library rep – Nidi
- Computer – Stephen
- Workshop – *head hunt*
- WASA liason – *head hunt*
- Health and safety – *head hunt*
Follow Up Tasks – to be completed before next month’s meeting:
Connor – [Set up GSEF meeting to talk about items to apply for] [Fitness club establishment?] [Confirm expectations for Pecha Kucha/ACADIA and details] [Open invitations to grads to fill in positions on SWAG]
Mark T. – [Look into setting up Grad Workshops] [Set up GSEF meeting to talk about items to apply for] [organize Under the Bridge Screening event (Film club) – promotion: set time, posters, postings on different media streams] [follow up on constitution update progress] [Open invitations to grads to fill in positions on SWAG] [Update positions spreadsheet and upload to drive]
Caitlin – [Look into setting up Grad Workshops] [Forward Pecha Kucha information to Connor and Vikkie]
Vikkie – [sort out fb group issues and get it running] [Begin preparation for Pecha Kucha/ACADIA event] [organize Tea Time – promotion: set time, posters, postings on different media streams]
Mark Z. – [organize Third Thursday Salon event – promotion: set time, posters, postings on different media streams] [find partner in undergrad to move forward TA award item]
Zak – [make post on masters groups to gather committee for Grad soiree]
Stephen – [Connect with ACM and maybe find out a bit more about the darkroom issue]
Miriam – [Recruit group for running Uncovered Lecture Series] [Setup a meeting to gather people interested in doing the CTE workshops]
Nidi – [Connect with the Library and find out if there are any issues or concerns]
Vikkie is a graduate student at the Waterloo School of Architecture researching the practice of curation and architectural exhibitions as a method of development for the field of architecture.