There is a special day in May that stands out in the memories of most of us, when a group of strangers (who won’t be strangers for very long) gather in an old silk milk in a small town in Southern Ontario. It’s the first time an incoming student sees the School, not as any school of architecture, but as their school of architecture. It’s also the first in a whole new series of firsts, as a new chapter their life begins to unfold. First time moving out of home, first time making new friends, first crazy costume party, first deadline, first love, first failure, first time staying up to see the sunrise, first time discovering what home really means.
You @ Waterloo is one of the most exciting days in the school. It is the day when the next generation of spirited young designers come into the school, bringing with them their unique talents, experiences and views to the collective wealth of culture to the school. That spirit is what makes being part of the Waterloo School of Architecture such an amazing thing.
Everyone takes away their own memories from that day. It may have been the moment you bonded with a future classmate over some obscure topic and in the process, made a new friend. Maybe it was during the mad rush to find housing and then the joy of finding the apartment you will call home. Or it could have been simply sitting out on the patio enjoying a beautiful day with a burger. Maybe it was meeting Donna, Rick and the rest of the staff and faculty who will guide you in the years to come. Hopefully everyone left excited about what awaits them in September.
So, to the Class of 2020, welcome to your new home, we can’t wait to meet you and to see what you become.
Enjoy the photos and savour the memories to come.
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