In the summer of 2015, a second year studio at the Waterloo School of Architecture investigated, through design and discussion, the relationship of building, landscape and urban networks. The studio aimed to design for Toronto’s various ecologies; inhabitation, mobility, natural systems, infrastructures and cultural and social structures. The site of study was the Don Valley, a ravine in Toronto that forms part of the Don River watershed. This series is a collection of selected projects from the studio.
Proposal by Brenda Reid | Studio Coordinator : Lola Sheppard
to explore architecture’s role in ecosystem rehabilitation and stability
The project builds off of the UNZOO masterplan – a strategy to repair the Don’s ecosystems in conjunction with human presence. It operates as the focal point of the plan, as a research and education facility, and to provide habitat to 4 specifically endangered species.
Through the design, from site strategy to façade details, the buildings try to be a structure respectful to human and animal needs. The program consists of a wildlife clinic, labs, classrooms, a cafe, and provides habitats for rusty patched bumble bees, spotted turtles, grey foxes, and little brown bats.
Sneha Sumanth is a graduate student at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture. Her role in BRIDGE involves overseeing the website and publications. Her thesis work looks at the relationship of energy and architecture in the offshore infrastructure of the Santa Barbara Channel in California.
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