Thesis Peer Review
Peer Review is an intellectual event for graduate students to present their thesis work to their peers for helpful feedback. The event will be held on Thursday October 23rd at 8pm at the BRIDGE Pop-Up.
Peer Review is an intellectual event for graduate students to present their thesis work to their peers for helpful feedback. The event will be held on Thursday October 23rd at 8pm at the BRIDGE Pop-Up.
To begin, I must use the most valid dictionary, “Wikipedia”, to define the third most used word in architecture school – next to 1. studio, and 2.“the f-word” – critique. cri·tique [ kriˈtēk ] noun 1. a method of disciplined, systematic analysis of a written or oral discourse. Critique is commonly understood as fault finding and negative judgement, but it can also involve merit recognition, and in the philosophical tradition it also means a methodical practice of doubt. Alternatively, the tall-ish, blond-ish girls, who enjoys games of twenty-one...
Looking for creative inspiration? Come out to the Pecha Kucha this Saturday, July 26th, @ 7pm in the Bridge Pop-Up space at 60 Main Street. Pecha Kucha: Creative Projects will be the restart of the Waterloo Region Chapter that will now be hosted by the University of Waterloo Graduate Student Association (GSA). The Society of Waterloo Architecture Graduates (SWAG) is organizing this week’s event. Everyone is welcome to attend. Doors will open at 7pm and there will...
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