UWSA students are always looking for new good eats- especially cheap good eats. Well look no further than the new sausage truck parked in the Southworks parking lot. Well, it’s not actually a truck, more of a cart really. Owner and sausage maker, Rob Marriott, tells me how he became uninspired and worn out at his job working with industrial hazardous materials. He quit his job and decided to follow his true love- making food...
Pamela Blais will be the last of the lecturers from the Arriscraft series for this fall term. Pamela will be giving a lecture entitled “Building On Transit” this Thursday, November 21 at 6:45pm in the Main Lecture Hall. Pamela Blais is an urban planner and Principal of Metropole Consultants Ltd. Her professional focus is in creating better cities by integrating planning, economic and environmental thinking in the analysis of urban issues and the development...
Please post an image or text of an imagined idea of the future 400 years from now. http://future400.tumblr.com Email your post to: q4fa2ucsx9sqw@tumblr.com The profession of the architect is being redefined within the current paradigm shift. In this century (the twenty-first), there is a rapid acceleration of change occurring due to the dynamism of shared information and technologies that were once just mere science fiction. For my thesis, I am interested in studying the impact...
Monday and Thursday are studio days. On these days in particular, the third floor undergraduate studio is filled with a frenetic energy of design, research and exploration. Students can usually be found talking excitedly with design professors and classmates in a habitat saturated with trace sketches, study models and empty coffee cups. Every Monday we’ll share a completed project, churned out from this energetic studio environment. Arch 393 / Dereck Revington studio coordinator Proteus Moves Project by...
Studio Soundtrack features five songs selected by a student at the UWSA. It’s been a while since we’ve had a studio soundtrack post. But since we’re all getting ramped up for final deadlines we may as well add some new music to our playlists. This week’s songs are courtesy of Mr. Alex Willms. “These are not my top 5 songs, they are not in any order, and they have no coherence as a group. Enjoy.”...
Last week, Super Typhoon Haiyan (also known as Super Typhoon Yolanda) made landfall in the central islands of the Philippines. This has been one of the most severe typhoons ever recorded- Haiyan brought sustained winds of 235km/h. The UN has estimated that 9.5 million people have been affected nationally, and 10,000 have lost their lives. The City of Tacloban has seen the most severe damage, and national and international aid workers are struggling to get...
* November.2013 Meeting Minutes 2013.11.05.18:00-19:30.Ward Room In Attendance: Mark T., Caitlin, Zak, Stephen, Kim, Vikkie, Miriam, Danielle NEWS 1 Referendum Results & Constitution Updates Mark will call Rose to follow up on process student initiative fee funding referendum delayed for start until spring 2014 MT 2 Student Societies Updates: BRIDGE, F_RMlab, WA Film Club, Garden Club, Photo Club Film club meeting didn’t happen due to other events, will have discussion in film club meeting,...
Monday and Thursday are studio days. On these days in particular, the third floor undergraduate studio is filled with a frenetic energy of design, research and exploration. Students can usually be found talking excitedly with design professors and classmates in a habitat saturated with trace sketches, study models and empty coffee cups. Every Monday we’ll share a completed project, churned out from this energetic studio environment. Arch 393 / Andrew Levitt studio coordinator Architectural Instincts and Imagination...
On September 18th, the 1A class made the trip from Cambridge to the big sprawl of New York City for a five-day field trip. Led by Professor Rick Andrighetti and adjuncts Suzy Harris-Brandts, Timea Jakab, Fiona Lim Tung and Haji Nakamura, the class covered large portions of the city with walking tours, including Central Park and Midtown. The students spent an afternoon with Le Corbusier at the Museum of Modern Art, tasted New York street...
There will be a BRIDGE meeting this Tuesday November 5th at 7pm in the Ward room. We will be discussing current progress with the Storefront on Main Street in addition to our online initiatives. All are welcome! If you can’t make the meeting and still want to be involved e-mail bridge@waterlooarchitecture.com photo by Zak Fish
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