Welcome to My Crib: Professor Terri Meyer Boake
Welcome to My Crib reveals the worlds behind the doors of Waterloo Architecture faculty. Today we enter the office of Professor Terri Meyer Boake. (more…)
Welcome to My Crib reveals the worlds behind the doors of Waterloo Architecture faculty. Today we enter the office of Professor Terri Meyer Boake. (more…)
Teaching Architecture is a series of interviews with faculty at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture. They are asked why they teach, what drives them, what brought them here, and their opinions on academia in architecture today. The conversations are motivating, inspirational, and reveal great stories about people who shape the way we learn today. This article is a conversation with Terri Meyer Boake, a Professor at UWSA.
UWSA Faculty Shortlists is an online platform for sharing influential readings related to art, architecture, design, and the cultural realm. The outline is simple: 5 books from each faculty member based on a theme of their personal interest, current research, or books they feel are of high importance to an architectural education. This shortlist is courtesy of Terri Meyer Boake.
SWAG is hosting Pecha Kucha on March 27th at 6pm featuring the academic and professional work, personal interests and musings of professors from Waterloo Architecture. Join us for a series of concise and intriguing presentations. Appetizers provided, dinner and beverages available for purchase.
Terri Meyer Boake shares with us her experiences while writing her new book, Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel. On Monday March 2nd, 2015 there will be a book launch at the BRIDGE Pop-up storefront for Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel.
Join us Monday March 2nd at 6:00Pm in celebrate the recent publication of Terri Meyer Boake and Rober Jan van Pelt’s work at a book launch hosted by BRIDGE.
Terri Meyer Boake shares with us her experiences while writing her new book, Diagrid Structures: Systems, Connections, Details. On Monday March 2nd, 2015 there will be a book launch at the BRIDGE Pop-up storefront for Diagrid Structures.
Lodz and Getto Litzmannstadt: Promised Land and Croaking Hole of Europe is a new book by Robert Jan van Pelt. On 02 March 2015 there will be a book launch at the BRIDGE Pop-up storefront for Lodz and Getto Litzmannstadt.
Last week’s Powered by PechaKucha Event, Reveal: The Work Behind Our Professors, uncovered the oeuvre of Waterloo Architecture professors in bite-sized presentations of “20 images x 20 seconds.” Professors presented recent, current, and upcoming work that ranged from urbanism to structures to exhibitions and beyond (think fiction, building science, art, and military huts). Below, in the spirit of conciseness embodied in the PechaKucha, you will find a one-sentence summary, along with one image, of each...
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